Heard It Through The Grapevine
A wine-drenched game of musical chairs is happening in SantaBarbara. Try to follow this - Pali Wine Co just purchased 205 Anacapa Street in the Funk Zone and will replace Oreana Winery in the near future. Due to the investor purchase of three adjacent properties in the Funk Zone earlier this year, SantaBarbara Winery and Lafond Winery are both moving out. SB Winery will relocate down the street to 28 Anacapa St (previously Kunin Wines) while Lafond Winery is said to be in the market. Kunin Wines is joining their sister winery, The Valley Project, at 116 E Yanonali Street, next door to the current Pali space. Confused yet? Across town, Wine Therapy has closed its State Street location but fear not - it will promptly reopen in the back of its sister restaurant, The Cruisery at 12 W Haley Street. We recommend everyone take Saturday to stop by each spot to familiarize yourself to each location :)